The "Schubladen-Berliner" is rude, apathetic, likes to complain and has a dry sense of humour. On a more positive note, he's not a suck-up, doesn't put up with everything, isn't a pushover, gets straight to the point and remains calm even in chaos. Berliners are actually quite different and can hardly be described in their colourful diversity, as cultures mix in cities like Berlin. The type, the stereotype or the typical are dissolving, a new diversity is emerging that can no longer be divided. If an Australian has three children with a Brazilian woman in Berlin, then there are three Australian-Brazilian brats who say "Icke" and might become Hertha or Union fans one day.
This is exactly why O-Ton Berlin is different, Berlin is not typical Germany. The liberal and open attitude and the variety of venues are exactly the breeding ground for all kinds of exhibitions, parties and eroticism. The nightlife is boundless and unrestrained. Berghain and the Kitkat Club are known throughout Germany. But Berlin is also trendy and for insider tips it is always helpful to know someone on the spot.
The largest erotic fair, Venus, takes place annually - how could it be otherwise - at the Berlin Exhibition Centre. Mydirtyhobby is one of the main sponsors and always has an eye-catching and unique stand including an action stage for visitors to the fair. The stars of the erotic scene will be on hand to sign autographs, take photos and talk about their fantasies. This year, Erotikmesser will take place from 24 to 27 October 2024. A must-attend event for all fans of eroticism and the stars of the industry.

Eroticism and art merged in the gallery space in Turmstraße in 2023, where a curator on behalf of Mydirtyhobby exhibited high-quality, large-format prints and photographs from 8 to 12 March. In the centre of the international creative scene, this exhibition raised public awareness and sent out a positive message on International Women's Day.
A powerful campaign organised by the most erotic portal in the most erotic city in Germany.

So the phrase "You're crazy, my child, you have to go to Berlin!", which has been taken very, very seriously over the last few centuries, will continue to endure. So in Berlin, the crazy, the creative, the dropouts, the innovators, the forward thinkers and free spirits come together and fertilise each other, literally and figuratively. It's quite beautiful, quite challenging and quite Berlin.