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I am a WOMAN. What's your superpower?

International Women's Day. Berliners can't believe their eyes.

International Women's Day, the day originally intended to enforce the Women's suffrage was brought to life and a symbol for Self-determination and equality for women. If you think about actions around this special day, then many would intended for groups of women's rights activists or an event think of equal opportunities officers.

The Berliners were amazed to see three pretty women in catsuits and with a heroine cape on the landmarks of Berlin showed up and waved flags from a black van with the Inscription: “I am a Woman. What’s your Superpower?” rose. Who were these confident women in the hot outfits with that same slogan?

Schuniggi91, MikaNox and SexyRachel distributed on International Women's Day Roses to passers-by and posed on Kurfürstendamm Seal column and many hotspots in the capital. At the Brandenburg the press was already waiting for this, celebrated by Berliners, to capture the action.

MDH has made a strong statement together with the 3 models and symbolically shown for all women on the portal self-confident, equal and self-determined women and the porn industry is not a contradiction. On the contrary, MDH sits down exactly that and appreciate the MDH family and community exactly this eye level of all people. No matter what nationality, what gender or religion. On International Women's Day, some passers-by were a little shy, as before the first private chat, partly open-minded and directly observed. But everyone agreed on one thing: a brilliant thing happening there International Women's Day was made in Berlin. Paired with a clear statement with a touch of eroticism: Chapeau to MDH.

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